Conference 2017

Theory and Modeling of Complex Systems in Life Sciences
18-22 September 2017, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Life sciences offer new challenges for the 21st century that require international collaborations and interdisciplinary scientific approaches. The structural and dynamical complexity is ubiquitous in various biological systems, from individual cells to organs, organisms, human and animal populations. This complexity urges for versatile mathematical and theoretical physics tools from probability theory, stochastic and differential equations, statistics, condensed matter and statistical physics, on one hand, and significant experimental and technological progress for observing life complex systems on the other hand. The conference aims at gathering the world leading experts in mathematics, physics, and biology to present and discuss the most recent advances in the theory and modeling of complex systems in life sciences. The scientific talks will be accessible to a broad interdisciplinary audience and students.

- D. Grebenkov (CNRS, France)
- S. Nechaev (CNRS, France)
- S. Smirnov (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Program and abstracts (PDF)
Interactive Program (with slides)
Conference photos
Flyer of the conference
The Euler International Mathematical Institute
Address: Pesochnaya nab. 10, St.Petersburg 197022, Russia
The working language of the conference is English.
Participation is free of charge
but the online registration is mandatory.
- V. Avetisov (Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS, Russia)
- E. Barkai (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
- D. Calebiro (University of Würzburg, Germany)
- A. Chechkin (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ukraine)
- M. Dahan (ENS, France)
- M. Filoche (CNRS, France)
- T. Franosch (Institut for Theoretical Physics, Austria)
- D. Heinrich (Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC, Germany)
- D. Holcman (ENS de Paris, France)
- E. Katrukha (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
- V. Kiselev (University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany)
- C. Manzo (La Universitat de Vic, Spain)
- R. Metzler (Postdam University, Germany)
- R. Monasson (ENS de Paris, France)
- D. Novikov (NYU Langone Medical Center, USA)
- J. Prost (Institut Curie, France)
- K. Polovnikov (Moscow State University, Russia)
- M. Samsonova (Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia)
- B. Sapoval (CNRS, France)
- A. Serov (Pasteur Institute, France)
- V. Teif (University of Essex, UK)
- M. Tamm (Moscow State University, Russia)
- S. Traytak (Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russia)
- R. Voituriez (UPMC, France)
- V. Volpert (Institut Camille Jordan, France)
- A. Wylomanska (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Interactive Program