Mahsa Vahabi
My research interests are in the field of statistical physics, soft matter and biophysics. I am currently a postdoc at Department of Physics and Astronomy, VU University, Amsterdam. My research is now mostly focused on modeling fibrous biopolymer systems including extracellular matrices (e.g. collagen and fibrin networks) using network simulations to investigate their mechanical properties. Before this postdoc, I did another postdoc in the condensed matter group of Ecole polytechnique in Palaiseau, France. There, I focused on modeling the thermal fluctuations of the optically trapped beads in reconstitued actin solutions and living cells to infer mechanical and dynamical properties of the system. Moreover, I am interested in developing new statistical techniques or generalization and application of the successful developed approaches for data analysis to characterize the complex systems under study. I have obtained my PhD degree from the department of physics, Shahid Beheshti University (SBU), Tehran, Iran in 2012.