Surya Kanta Ghosh

Surya K. Ghosh has graduated from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. During his PhD he mainly worked on statistical properties of polymers and reaction diffusion system in confined geometry. His major work in polymers concerned conformational statistics of intrinsically curved polymers. He also developed a new model to explain the double plateau behavior in the force-extension curve of synthetic single stranded DNA like polyA. His project in reaction diffusion system involved studying antigen-antibody binding in a cylindrical bio-sensor. This project was the result of a collaboration with an experimentalist colleague. After his PhD, he joined Prof. R. Metzler’s group at University of Potsdam, Germany as his first postdoc. There he studied diffusion of tracer particles in non-inert crowded medium. In a separate work, he also studied about detecting viral pathogens by responsive hydrogel. Currently he is working as a postdoc in Prof. Denis Grebenkov’s group at Ecole Polytechniqe, France. Here his main focus is to develop appropriate theoretical model for diffusion processes recorder in single-particle tracking experiment in crowded cellular environment. Recently he also studied how the heterogeneous crowding influence the diffusion processes of a finite tracer particle.